When Issue 131 of the Knitter Magazine arrived in the post, I was really excited to find my Shaftesbury cardigan design was featured on the cover! Knitted in Walcot Yarns gorgeous Opus yarn, Shaftesbury is an elegant ribbed cardigan with openwork details on the upper body. The stunning shade is called Goldenrod.
Shaftesbury by Emma Vining on the cover of The Knitter Magazine 131 |
The openwork pattern is knitted using the one row buttonhole technique. As well as being my preferred way of making buttonholes, I really like using
this method to make slots in knit designs. In Shaftesbury, the slots are linked by a rib pattern and placed to form a larger lattice. I love the way a little glimpse of whatever you wear underneath will show through the slots. In the shoot for the Knitter Magazine, my cardigan has been paired with beautiful Gudrun Sjoden garments. As well as more images of Shaftesbury, you can see several of the other beautiful designs from issue 131 on
Shaftesbury by Emma Vining in The Knitter Magazine 131 |
Shaftesbury by Emma Vining in The Knitter Magazine 131 |